Our Voice is Louder is a short film produced by a group of hearing-impaired filmmakers from Yemen. The film is a product of a one year partnership between the British Council and the Scottish Documentary Institute. Part of the partnership was to deliver a one-year capacity building training programme to three cultural institutions on documentary filmmaking. One of the institutions was Jedaria for Media and Development Foundation which decided to adopt a more inclusive strategy and disseminate the training to a group of filmmakers with disability, helping them to produce their first documentary film amidst challenging circumstances. The documentary showcased how these filmmakers had proven to be successful despite their disability. 

Yaser Abdulbagi, the founder of Jedaria said “this is my first experience working with the filmmakers with disability and definitely is not going to be the last one.”

Arwa Al Amoudi, one of the filmmakers with hearing impairment commented “at the beginning of the course I felt intimidated but with the help and courage of the trainer I surpassed my fear. This training has opened doors to my career as a filmmaker and I pledge myself to expand my knowledge in the filmmaking profession.”